
Presented with a focus on trusting and believing that God will turn your life around for the good. With appropriate good humor for all ages and the sentiments of gospel lyric, this play captures the essence of a church service with a different twist.

Morning worship service is about to start, and the pastor sends an urgent  message to the leaders of the church.  “This morning will be a unique time for testimony. It is my sincere request that each of you will stand tall and testify.  Tell your story, give God the glory and DO NOT leave anything out.”

Unexpectedly, the women of the Sunday Morning Praise Team are asked to confront their personal life experiences in public.  Standing before the congregation, they must tell what God has done.  Their words and dynamic vocal talents lift audiences to their feet as they reveal the trauma and drama present in their lives and its relevance in the lives of others. As they begin to share their stories, they realize ~ “there is healing in the telling.”

Tell-It, Sing-It, Shout-It” was conceived in 1994 at New York’s Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Hospital.  Playwright Hazel Rosetta Smith was a cancer patient scheduled for kidney surgery.  With her faith intact and her confidence steady that God would be with her throughout this vital surgery, she conceived the script and committed to showing her thankfulness in the telling of what she believed God has already done for her.

Thus, came the title of the production, Tell-It, Sing-It, Shout-It.  The successful surgery and miraculous healing became the written play that opened onstage nine months later for Gertrude Jeannette’s Hadley Players at the Community Center of St. Philip’s Episcopal Church in Harlem, with sold out performances March 17 thru April 9, 1995.

From 1995 to 2020, Tell-It, Sing-It, Shout-It has travelled over highways and byways throughout New York State for performances at houses of worship, on theater stages and community spaces.

Through tunnels and over bridges for more than twenty-five years, the play has  been produced throughout the State of New Jersey; flown west to Columbus, Ohio; south to Durham, North Carolina; to the legendary Ritz Theatre of New Brunswick, St. Simon Islands of Georgia; the African American Cultural Center of Albuquerque, New Mexico and the Independence Cultural Center of Baton Rouge, Louisiana.  (An extensive list of performances at churches and other venues is available, upon request.)

The most recent performance was Saturday, March 7, 2020, at Canaan Church of Christ in Harlem. Due to the coronavirus pandemic shutdown, scheduled performances were cancelled by mandated health policy the following week.

Blessed Stories of Redeeming Love Must be Told

Cast: 5 to 8 Showtime: 90 Minutes  No Intermission

Actors / Character Portrayals

*as Sister Rose*

Angel Rose
Angela Polite
Lillian Allen
Tanyayette Willoughby

*as Sister Estelle*

Kiara Ray
Lovetta Goodman
Tanyayette Willoughby
Lillian Allen

*Alternates / Guest Artists*

Arlene Frink
Dr. Joyce Taylor
Ingrid Arthur
Kathy Sharpton
Latasha Patrina Spenser
Mzuri Hudson
Sharlene Nelson

*as Sister Evelyn*

Alicia Flakes
Angel Rose
Claudine Rucker
Tanya Maryoung

*as Sister Annabelle*

Lovetta Goodman
Phyllis Greene
Renee Credle

*as the Pastor*

Alvin Freeland
Annette Evans
Eunice Newkirk
Larry Purifory

*as Priscilla*

Angel Rose
Angela Polite
Anita Wells
Kim Yancey
Lorraine Moore
Phyllis Credle

*as Mother Brooks*

Antoinette Boone
Hazel Rosetta Smith
Louise Bethune

*as Sister Eloise*

Alicia Flakes
Lillian Allen
Lorraine Moore
Tanyayette Willoughby

*as Sister Clara*

Kim Yancey
Alicia Flakes
Angel Rose
Anita Wells
June Broxton
Lorraine Moore

*Musical Directors / Ministers of Music*

Alvin Freeland
David Bratton
Kevin Sibley
Martin Christie
Phyllis Renee Credle
Stephan Hall


Eric Johnson
Isaiah Johnson
Justin Cunningham
Kevin Easington
Romar Washington
Tyrone Lewis

*Featured Performances by Violinist Tanyayette Willoughby*

Alvin Freeland


Martin Christie


Kevin Sibley


Phyllis Renee Credle

Archive Photos by Gerald Peart, Louis Boone, Hubert Williams, Ramona Blackwell and HSTM
Quilted Chair Backs by Miss Geraldine of The Kennedy Senior Center, CHSCC, Harlem

Published Reviews

It is a theatrical production that touches the soul! It makes you feel inspired and grateful for all that God has done in your life.   *The Amsterdam News*

CHURCH LADIES TELL IT ALL! Long running gospel show spreads its full measure of faith and hope for all.  *New York Daily News*

This play has a message for all ages.  Funny and filled with truth.  Sad in spots, thought provoking all the way through. You must experience it for yourself.  Kudos to the Playwright.  Voices are SUPERB.  *Daily Challenge*

Tell-It, Sing-It, Shout-It infuses beautiful gospel songs, witty and humorous dialogue through serious life testimonies that speak from the heart on a universal level. *Harlem News Group*

This play is filled with stories that need to be heard.  Tragedy and triumph mixed with great singing.  Truth and compassion well executed.  Great writing from our Managing Editor.  Touché! *New York Beacon*

The congregation cried, applauded, and stood on their feet.  Hearts were touched in meaningful ways.  You must come back to Columbus real soon. *Adoration and Peace Baptist Church, Ohio*

Inspiring and thought-provoking script.  It was a play and a concert in one sitting.  Unique! Every voice was spectacular.  *Uniworks Production Company, Baton Rouge, Louisiana*